Today I wanted to officially introduce you to Your Special Dog Shop. I opened this shop with the only idea on my mind "Helping you find great quality pet products with an awesome price" . I hope you guys will think the same as i do .

So how to shop ?! Simple as 1, 2, 3 .. no it is really easy :P

1.Choose the product 

After clicking on the  shop on the menu , it will pop-up. You can choose form the categories of the shop depending on the products you need . You can also write the product on the search bar .

2. Read the product details

For more details for a product just click on it and a detailed view will appear . After choosing your product , only click "Add to cart" and than a small box will appear on the right corner of the screen .

3. Go to check out 

There you can write down  the coupon code to earn our monthly discounts. After that , the only thing left is to go to  the checkout where you will enter all your shipping information and payee info . Since we are on August use YSD-AUGUST to get +20% OFF and FREE SHIPPING for all pet products.

As always your comments are really appreciated from me . I will read carefully every suggestion you make :).