Semi is a very special and lucky boxer on an inspiring mission. Semi was born deaf , but this little disability of hers didn't stop Farrah (her human mom) from adopting her.

 Semi is twice special because she has the longest tongue you've ever seen in a dog and now she is in the running for the Guinness World Record's longest dog tongue title. Farrah wants to use that attention in a positive way as a platform to promote awareness for shelter animals, as well as animals with disabilities.

You can be part of Semi's and Farrah's mission too, by getting a pair of this cute socks here :

Semi Socks are a light-hearted way to support and bring positive attention to shelter animals, and animals with disabilities (also dogs with ridiculously long tongues). Help Semi’s tongue spread the word with style! These limited edition unisex ankle socks are only available for a limited time. Be sure to get a pair while you still can!

There are only a couple of days left, but you can still make a difference by getting a pair.