Name: Homero Age: six years and nine months Breed: Rottweiler Favorite food: Bananas, apples and lemon sorbert Favorite thing to do: play with water

Homero is six years old, and will be seven on January 22. We called him like that because when he was a baby he was very very slack, he slept all day and he was not so much of a player boy. My sister said that he was just like Homer from The Simpsons (Homero in spanish) so, we give him that name.
Homero is the second male rottweiler that we have (our favorite dog breed), so we decided that we want another rottie. When we went for him, we chose the shy one!! All his brothers and sisters ran toward us, but he hid, so that’s how Homer got into our lives, we chose that cute puppy.

It’s not a conventional dog… He doesn’t like to play with dogs' toys, he prefers a soda bottle, or a stick. He doesn't like dogs' biscuits and prize (except dry food for pets, that he loves), he prefesr human food and fruits, bananas, apples and lemon sorbert are his faves.
Homero loves to play with water, it's his favorite activity, we throw it and he jumps to catch it with his mouth, also he loves when we scratch his buttocks xD, he makes very funny faces and he moves the paws. When we arrive home he welcomes us with a big hug over our shoulders, and a very big kiss that washes all our faces!!!! It is very large and lovely

Homero on Instagram: mybeautifuldogs