Name: Puddles
Age: 9 1/2
Breed: Shih Tzu
Birthday: December 26, 2004
Eye color: brown
Favorite food: cheese
Favorite thing to do: sleep and chase his big red ball
Location: Palm Beach, FL

This story was submitted by Puddles mom

This is Puddles, my adorable one-eyed Shih Tzu. He is 9-and-a-half years old and living it up in Palm Beach, Florida (as any good retired dog would!). Puddles was rescued at 4 years old after being given up by 3 previous owners because he had a little problem controlling his temper (just like Lloyd).

 He didn’t have such a great time growing up because his dog mom didn’t like to share her space so Puddles had to live on the porch outside all alone! Thankfully, Puddles is now living a spoiled, charmed life. When Puddles was 5, he had an illness called ITP and almost didn’t make it. Because of this, he eventually lost his left eye.

He looks just as handsome without it though, and has since gained the nickname “Puddles the Pirate.” Puddles’s favorite things to do are sleep (of course!), eat cheeses, and play outside chasing a big red beach ball. He’s also learning to play the piano, just like the great composer Chowpin!

Puddles has an Instagram account . Go follow him @puddlesthepup.
If you have an interesting story about your dog that you want to share with others send it here.