Name: Rolo
Age: 8-11
Breed: GSD x Husky
Birthday: June 23
Eye color: Rootbeer Brown
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite thing to do: Road Trips with his Momma
Location: Fort McMurray, AB, Canada

This story was submitted by Kimberley

 I have always grown up around dogs and when my last dog Sparky, who in which I had for almost my entire life passed away I never thought the void in my heart would ever be full again, Until I met Apollo. It all started with us purchasing our first home in 2011 as we knew we had to fill it with a loving dog (as we; Hubby Brett & I, are both allergic to cats).

I knew how important it was to pick out an animal that best suited our lifestyle. We both work full-time so we knew a puppy was out of the question, an older dog would be perfect for us. We kept visiting the local animal shelter (Fort McMurray SPCA) for at least 2 weeks spending time with the dogs; taking them outside for walks, playing in the designated play area with them and asking as many questions as we could about them.

 I get a text message from Brett with a photo of a dog named Apollo. I was told he was very different from any of the other dogs. After work I went up to the shelter to spend some time with him and find out about him. Usually when you walk into the kennels all the animals bark, jump and act all crazy, Well Apollo; a GSD x husky, just sat there not making a peep or eye contact. I got the kennel attendant to take Apollo outside so I could see him in the yard. Well Mr. Apollo wouldn’t even come near me he just stood next to the kennel attendant. I could not believe this as I swear all animals could sense that I would treat them all like gold and meant no harm to them. After many questions I found out Apollo had Canine Epilepsy which his medication was the reason he was acting a little different in his kennel. He had also come into the shelter as a stray, then was adopted and brought back. I knew exactly why he was acting all shy and scared, it wasn’t his medication; he wanted a loving family that wouldn’t abandon him or bring him back because he was different. We wanted him, we didn’t care if he didn’t like us, we wanted him to feel loved and in hopes he would one day love us back. We filled in the adoption application and in a few days we got the phone call that he was ours, we were Ecstatic!

 June 23, 2011 is the day that changed his life forever. First things first, we changed his name to Rolo, I mean who doesn’t like chocolate bars. We asked to take his kennel blanket home with us so that he had a sense of something that was familiar. I always say that this was the first real day of his life as I don’t think he knew what was going to be in store for him.

 For the first few months Rolo would just stay in the basement. He didn’t even know there was “Rolo Corner” awaiting him upstairs complete with bed, decorative pillows and name plate above his bed. After discovering it, if he was scared, if there was a lightning storm, if someone came over that he didn’t know, that’s where you would find him. I think after his discovering his bed it changed how he saw us, we now became his loving family. Slowly he was coming out of his shell and morphing into the dog that he is to this day and I credit that to a routine and a ton of love, OK and treats too!

Since Rolo’s adoption June, 23, 2011 he has made quite the little dog resume for himself! I am sure there is more to add but this is what I can think of at the moment!

June 23, 2011 - became an advocate for shelter dogs
March 26, 2012 - Participated in Purple Day (National Epilepsy Awareness Day)
May 2012 – Helped his mom raise over $3500 for the FMSPCA through the Miss Wood Buffalo Pageant May 2012 – Participated in the Bow Wow Beauties Pageant
Spring 2012 – Became a Certified Pet Therapy Dog
December 2012 – Donated a SUV full of wish list items
March 11, 2013 – Helped his mom create “Confessions of a Rescue Mom”
March 26, 2013 - Participated in Purple Day (National Epilepsy Awareness Day)
April 2013 – Top Fundraiser in the Walk to End Animal Abuse
Summer 2013 – Grace the pages of McMurray Girl Magazine
December 2013 – Raised $1700 plus a SUV full of wish list items for the FMSPCA
March 26, 2014 - Participated in Purple Day (National Epilepsy Awareness Day)
April 2014 – Raised $500 in the Walk to End Animal Abuse
July 2014 - #10 of 100 of “Why we’re loving Fort McMurray List”
August 2014 – Will be in a book about dogs living with Canine Epilepsy
2015 – Will be featured in a Canine Epilepsy Calendar

 I love my dear Rolo and could not imagine my life without him. Adopt don’t Shop it’s the best decision you will ever make!

Guys Rolo and his mom have a blog called "Confessions Of A Rescue Mom"   , don't forget to check it out. If you have an interesting story about your dog that you want to share with others send it here.

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