Summer is finally here and hot sunny days are head. Beach days are all that we think about during all week, and bringing our dogs with us makes them perfect. Spending the day at the beach may be super fun and relaxing for us, but we have to pay some extra attention to make it so for our dogs too.

Here are a few tips to make a day at the beach fun, relaxing and safe for our dogs:

Always bring fresh water 

The high temperatures and hot sun will make your dog more thirsty. He might even try to drink from sea water, which is salty and not good for them. Try to avoid this by bringing lots of fresh water and keeping your dog hydrated.

Protect him from the sun

Even dogs can get sunburn, specially the ones with light fur or short hair. You can apply sunscreen made for pets on their ears and nose that are the most delicate areas. Another option is to get them a hat, they will look (and feel) cooler. Another way is to take a Cool K9 Dog Cooling Jacket.

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Find a nice place to chill

Avoid staying all the time under the sun. Find some shadow spot or you could bring a small tent  so you and your dog can relax and fresh out.


Before heading to the beach make sure to know if your dog is a pro swimmer or needs a little help. Not all dog breeds have the same preferences about swimming. Some may be natural swimmers, other may need a little time to adjust. DON'T force your dog into the water, let him decide when to deep in. If you are not sure about your dog's swimming abilities buy him a life vest. Also, avoid the water when it's wavy and not calm.

Don't overdo exercising 

Over-exercising may be exhausting for your dog, you're there to relax so take it easy.

Rinse well

Before heading back home make sure to rinse your dog well, to get rid of all the salt and sand from his fur. Also make sure to clean and dry his ears, since the moisture in them may cause ear infection.

And finally enjoy the time and make beautiful memories. Hope you all have endless wonderful summer days with your furry loves.