Name: Lloyd
Age: 3 Years Old
Breed:  Rottweiler
Birthday: 21/6/2011
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Food: Mince and sausages too!
Favorite Thing To Do: Eating, chasing stick and learning new tricks!
Location: Scotland, Glasgow

This story was submitted by  Lloyd's mom.

 I have a very beautiful Rottweiler, He is my life, and he means the world and more to me. I got him at 1 year old(they said a year old, but he looked about 8 months old) on the 21st June 2012.

 We went to collect him as we seen an add on Facebook, and fell in love with him. When we met him, he was a wreck, skinny, shivering and his tail between his legs. Hand shy, growling at the sight if new people come . He was next to a older male rottie whom was friendly.He was small, and malnourished. We walked, and went to a nearby patch of grass, I knelt down to Lloyd and he quietly growled. The man pulled him up (he had a full choke chain, which was so tight he still has marks) took him aside and hit him with a heavy chain metal leash over his nose. We had to take him, we couldn't leave without him.

 Immediately we notice how terrified he was. Cars, vans, buses, plastic bags, leashes, boxes, anything new. If we put our hood up he would bark and pee himself. If we left the house, for even a few minuets he wouldn't come over to us for hours. Horrible.The man told us he worked in security in work yards, an he used a van to take him home and that's where the fear stems from. We believe that he was used as a security dog and started retaliating, as he seems to not be bothered with work yards, tractors etc. slowly his scars left, he seemed happy and began to trust us. He couldn't even walk by parked cars, now he can walk by anything. He still gets nervous around vans and new things on the street (especially if people are coming in and out the van).

 This is a day after we collected him. Scared of movement and new clothes we wore

 A year on and he was getting better, still terrified but better. Slowly but surely he gained muscle and weight and his scars left. Now this enrages me, sadly He is now fear aggressive, and the amount if abuse we get is disgusting. I understand people are scared but in the house with us (my mum, 8 year old sister and me), he is a teddy bear.He has autism (yep, it's real) as the vet told us he has been hit so hard with an object on the head it has affected him. He has a squint that gets bad when stressed. He wears a muzzle at all times in public, a harness, collar and two leashes. Two years on and he is a happy healthy dog. We worked so hard with him and he is so obedient, he knows every trick under the sun! We have a close bond and he is no loner scared of everyday things. He can walk down a street and not pee himself. We love him and he loves us! Devotion, love, trust and persistence.

You can find Lloyd on Instagram
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