Name: Hockey
Breed: Beagle
Colour: Tri-coloured
Birthday: May 13, 2008
Age: 6
Likes: Eat and sleep
Dislikes: Nothing
Location:  Toronto, Canada

This story was submitted by Hockey's mom.

 Hockey is a friendly, 6 year old beagle, living in Toronto, Canada with his family. When he was young, he would chew on the wood (teething). As he grew older, he got rid of the habit and enjoys sleeping in on weekends. During weekdays, he loves to venture around the neighborhood.

As a beagle, he would try to put everything in his mouth, even a love frog! However, we would always try to prevent him from trying to eat everything in his path.

  Overall, owning Hockey has been an important part in my life and I would never regret owning him. If you are planning to own a beagle, remember this: they howl loudly. Just be cautious if you have sensitive ears. Other than that, beagles are extremely friendly and love to welcome you home!

If you have an interesting story about your dog that you want to share with others send it here.