Now that Spring has finally sprung we all feel more energetic and have a continuous desire to go outside and enjoy the nature more. It is the same for our dogs. As dog owners we are very lucky because we always have at least one friend (the furry one), who is always ready and happy to join us outside. 

Going out in the nature with our dogs, has a wonderful impact in their physical and mental health, and this goes for us too. Spending some quality time together outdoors will also reinforce the bond with our loving dogs. There many activities you can do to spend time outside with your dog and appreciate the nature.


It will be like taking your dog out for a walk, not a normal walk, but a very long one. Imagine the fun your dog will have while exploring the nature, smelling new scents, seeing new things. He will be exploring a whole new world.

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You want to go out for your morning or night run, but don't have anyone to go with you? Think a again! Your dog would love to exercise too. They are perfect running partners.

             image source lululemonathletica | Flickr 

Go to the park

Head to the nearest park with your dog and a stick or a small ball. Dogs love to play fetch. It will be fun for both of you and will make you get closer to each other.

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Field camping 

Your dog would surely enjoy a day full of fun activities, running around, chasing butterflies and a night staying next to the fire.

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A day at the beach or lake

Digging holes in the sand, rolling in the sun, getting the paws wet in the water, or even dive in if the water is safe. A single day there would feel like a wonderful vacation for you dog.

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What are your favorite activities to do outdoors with you dog?